Sheriff Sales

Sheriff’s Sales are Mortgage Foreclosures where a judgment has been entered through the court. There is no redemption period on Sheriff’s Sales. Tax Sales are when property owners do not pay their property taxes and are sold through the Porter County Auditor’s Office. There is a one-year redemption period on Tax Sales. Sheriff’s Sales and Tax Sales are completely different.
Bidding is open and progressive. The Plaintiff always opens the bid and may start lower than the judgment amount. The Sheriff’s Office sends out updates on cancellations and bid amounts when available. You may request to be added to this list. The list is sent periodically as a mass email and not individually.
If you intend to bid on a property, you must bring to the auction a certified check in the amount of the opening bid or your bid will not be accepted. Notify the Sheriff’s Office representative of your intention to bid. Your check will be held until after the sale. If there is competitive bidding and your successful bid exceeds the amount of your opening bid check, then you will have until 2:00 pm of the same day to remit the balance. If you are the successful bidder and your check is greater than your successful bid, the Sheriff’s Office will issue you a check for the overpayment after funds are deposited.
Bids must be in the form of CERTIFIED CHECK. We do not accept letters of credit from a financial institution. There are no exceptions. All checks are to be payable to the PORTER COUNTY SHERIFF.
Notices of Sale
Notices of Sale are available on our website. They are also published at least 30 days prior to sale in the Chesterton Tribune on any given weekday. Notices are posted at the Civil Bureau office during business hours. (We do not make copies.) Notices are also posted at the Porter County Courthouse. ALL SALES MAY BE CANCELLED RIGHT UP UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE.
Availability to Inspect Property
Foreclosed property is still in the hands of the property owner until sold at Sheriff’s Sale. Therefore, you will not have the opportunity to inspect the property, which may be owner occupied.
Other Liens on Foreclosed Property
The Sheriff's Office has no knowledge of any other liens on properties other than what is listed in the judgment order which is available for inspection at the Porter County Clerk’s Office in the Courthouse. If you are unfamiliar on how to research liens, the Sheriff's Office recommends that you pay a title company to perform this task for you. If you buy property at Sheriff’s Sale, it is a risk. The Sheriff's Office does not guarantee clear title or issue a warranty deed. You need to contact an attorney for advice on whether you would or would not be responsible for liens on a foreclosed property. We cannot give legal advice.
After the Sale
If you are the successful bidder, it will take one to two weeks to obtain a Sheriff’s Deed. If the property is still occupied and you need the Sheriff’s Office assistance in removing the occupants, you must file for a WRIT OF ASSISTANCE (court order), usually obtained with the help of an attorney. The Sheriff's Office will serve the writ and then remove the occupants if necessary. The Sheriff's Office will stand by while you secure the property.
Up Coming Sheriff Sales Click link​
Jeffrey A. Balon, Porter County Sheriff
Tanya Gear, Support Services Director
2755 State Road 49
Valparaiso IN 46383