Employee Complaint Form

The requirements to file a complaint are as follows:
The complaint must allege a specific act of misconduct.
The complaint must be made on this form and signed by the complainant.
The complainant must have first-hand knowledge of the incident in question.
The complaint must be made within thirty (30) days of the alleged incident.
An anonymous complaint will not be investigated unless the compliant alleges a criminal code violation.
A parent or legal guardian must sign the form for a juvenile complainant under the age of 18 years old.
NOTE: To knowingly make a false complaint of misconduct against a law enforcement officer is a crime in Indiana punishable by up to 180 days in jail and a maximum fine of $1,000.00.
Once a complaint is received by a member of the Department, it will be forwarded to the Chief Deputy who will assign an Officer to investigate the complaint. The investigating Officer will contact the complainant to acknowledge receipt of the complaint and to advise that an investigation is being initiated.
Upon conclusion of the investigation, the disposition of the complaint will be classified as one of the following:
EXONERATED: The incident occurred but the actions of the employee were lawful and appropriate.
NOT SUSTAINED (INCONCLUSIVE): The investigation failed to disclose sufficient evidence to clearly prove or disprove the allegation.
SUSTAINED: The allegation was supported by sufficient evidence.
UNFOUNDED: The allegation was false or not factual.
The complainant may contact the Department to inquire about the final disposition of the complaint. However, Department policy prohibits disclosing information regarding any disciplinary action(s) that may have been taken. Click on the document below for the Complaint Form.
Employee Complaint Form