Domestic Violence

If you or someone you know is being abused, break the cycle.
Listed below are crisis centers that may be of help to you or someone you love. This list was compiled by the Commission against Domestic Violence and Abuse.
Check our Protective Order information page for information on obtaining a Protective Order.
REMEMBER: Call 911 for emergencies. The Porter County Sheriff's Office’s non-emergency number is (219) 477-3000.
Porter County Victim Assistance Program
Domestic Violence Crisis Centers
Agape Christian Counseling Center
5758 Mulberry
Portage, IN
(219) 763-4767
Men’s abuse group discussing the seven promises of a promise keeper.
Offers services for sexually abused women.
The Caring Place
Valparaiso, IN
(800) 933-0466 or (219) 464-2128
24-Hour Information/Referral/Crisis Line
Provides services and shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and their dependent children who live in Porter, Lake and Starke Counties.
There is no charge for the services. Clients do not have to live in the shelter.
Catholic Family Services
2967 Willowcreek Road
Portage, IN
(219) 762-1177
9:00 A.M.—5:00 P.M. Monday—Friday
Offers an eight-session domestic violence program.
The subject areas include communication, anger, violence cycle, assertiveness vs. aggression, stress management, and childhood influences.
Child Abuse and Neglect
(219) 462-7555 or (219) 462-2112
24-hour hotline for reporting child abuse and neglect.
Northwest Indiana Family Life Skill Center
6450 Evergreen Avenue
Portage, IN
(219) 763-3256
Helps people involved in abusive relationships understand and break the cycle. Separate 15-week classes are offered for men and women.
Porter County Council on Aging and Community Services, Inc.
1005 Campbell
PO Box 246
Valparaiso, IN
Involved in planning and providing senior citizen and community service programs for the elderly, frail, and handicapped.
Porter Starke Services
601 Wall Street
Valparaiso, IN
(219) 531-3500 24-Hour Hotline or (219) 762-9557
Helps people manage their relationships, overcome personal struggles, pursue challenges and make changes to achieve a sense of personal balance and well-being.
St. Jude House
12490 Marshall Street
Crown Point, IN
(800) 254-1286 or (219) 662-7066
Serves victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and their dependent children. Provides 30-day programs with housing, daily needs, counseling, legal advice and referrals.
Youth Service Bureau of Porter County
6469 Central Avenue
Portage, IN
(219) 763-6623
24-hour answering service, serving young people, ages 6 through 17, and their families.
North Central Indiana Rural Crisis Center, Inc.
P.O. Box 212
Rensselaer, IN 47978
(219) 866-8281
24 hour service provides safe shelter for abused women and children, men also when needed.